Category: Myers-Briggs

  • What games did you play as a child?

    This ‘what games’ question is one of my favourites to ask when people are stuck trying to figure out their natural gifts and talents.  You see, as children we typically know who we are and what we want to do.  We haven’t yet (hopefully) been molded and cajoled by the well-intentioned people in our lives…

  • Discrimination against Introverts? Nahhhhhh….

    Discrimination against Introverts? Nahhhhhh….

    In a LinkedIn group that I belong to, the question was raised about whether there is discrimination against Introverts. Well, many people would agree, Introverts and Extraverts alike, that the North American culture prizes Extraversion.  Charisma, magnetism, sociability, and gregariousness are preferred personality characteristics in our western culture.

  • Introverts! Rise Up!

    When I saw the interview of the two Dragon’s Den celebrities talking about Introverts in business, I was both thrilled and disappointed. Thrilled because the discussion of personality preferences is really quite main stream these days.  Disappointed because the short clip eluded to Introverts needing Extraverts to sell their wares. In light of David Chilton…

  • Confessions of an Introvert

    Have you ever felt alone in a crowd? Have you longed to have some quiet time to‘just think.’  Do people who talk non-stop cause your ears to ring and your head to spin? If you can relate to these, then maybe you’re an Introvert, like me. I didn’t always know I was an Introvert.  I used to just think I was…

  • One size doesn’t fit all

    Leaders come in all shapes and sizes, and all personality types.  And leadership development comes in all flavours as well.  I recently read an article about Wal-Mart using military-style tactics when training their leaders.   The article talked about a 16-week boot-camp-type experience designed to “overwhelm” and “frustrate” and it “breaks you down so it can…