Confessions of an Introvert

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Have you ever felt alone in a crowd? Have you longed to have some quiet time to‘just think.’  Do people who talk non-stop cause your ears to ring and your head to spin?

If you can relate to these, then maybe you’re an Introvert, like me.

I didn’t always know I was an Introvert.  I used to just think I was shy and confused, and yes, even dumb.

But when I discovered the world of Myers-Briggs, and what it REALLY meant to be Introverted, I felt as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I could really begin to enjoy being me.

I have to confess, that I’m an Extravert-wanna-be.  Well, sometimes I am,anyway.  Not always.  Certainly not when it comes to buckling down and getting work done.  Especially that cerebral-type work that requires concentration, deep concentration.  But the times when I’m in a room full of what seem like very interesting people.  I’m awkward at starting conversations.  If you don’t hit on my major topics of interest, then I don’t seem to have anything to say.  But, if you’re interested in what I’m interested in, then look out.  I’ve been known to talk off an ear or two.

I also have to confess that the Extraverted world really tires me out.  As a self-proclaimed teacher, my work demands that I be around people all the time.  I love my work.  I love my clients.  I love my career.  But alas, it tires me out.  After a day full of ‘teaching’, I’m a real basket case when I get home.  I don’t want to cook.  I don’t want to clean.  And I certainly don’t want to go out to another event full of people.

Those are the things that I don’t want to do.  But when I remind myself that I’m not anti-social, I begin to appreciate and even relish in my Introverted-ness.  I find Introverted ways to rekindle my energy, and give myself a chance to recharge my batteries.  If I allow myself the time and space to do those things, then I’m good to go.  It’s when I fight my Introverted tendencies, and refuse to shore up alone somewhere, then my batteries become so exhausted that I’m not much good until the next day.

So, as much as I confess to being an Introvert, I also have to confess that I kinda like it.  It suits me.  I can have a major party inside my own head and be super-energized to take on any task.

How about you?  Are you an Introvert too?


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