Category: Blog

  • The Sandberg Saga

    Well, time to weigh in on the firestorm that seems to have hit Sheryl Sandberg and her new book, LEAN IN. Over the next few blog posts, I’ll share my thoughts on what I think has happened, and why I think it happened. If you’re someone who hates to wait until the end of the…

  • Iron Sharpens Iron; Thatcher’s Legacy

    What can we learn from a woman who was loved by many, hated by many, and ousted by her own people?   Integrity and Persistence are critical to successful leadership.  Few can argue against the fact that Thatcher was effective as she executed her vision of making Britain as great as it once was. “Of course it’s the same…

  • I wish I lived in Sheryl’s world

    I recently came across this interview on the Internet.  Sheryl Sandberg, COO at Facebook, talks about how she and her husband split the housework and childcare duties 50/50.  (Check out the interview here)  Wow!  Even the title of the article calls this the ‘impossible.’  I found it a bit troublesome, however, as I listened to her talk…

  • What have you learned for me lately?

    This summer my family was inspired by a friend who was competing in the Olympics in London.  We started running a few miles every day, and by the time my vacation was over, I was hooked.  This running thing was kind of fun. I’m far from a natural athlete, but how hard can it be…

  • Warren Buffett replaces diamonds as girl’s best friend

    If ever there was any doubt that women are good for business,  billionaire investment guru Warren Buffett has put the question to rest.  In a recent article in The Telegraph, Buffett is quoted as saying,”[It is] one of the things that make me so optimistic about the future.”  What is IT?  ‘It’ is the trend…